[Solved] If abstract base class contains parameterised constructor (and derived does not) why can’t it be used? [duplicate]

Introduction Abstract base classes are a powerful tool in object-oriented programming, allowing for the creation of a base class that can be extended by derived classes. However, if an abstract base class contains a parameterized constructor, and the derived class does not, it can be difficult to use the abstract base class. This is because … Read more

[Solved] If abstract base class contains parameterised constructor (and derived does not) why can’t it be used? [duplicate]

No, you can’t. It’s a limitation that says ‘each derived class should use (implicitly or explicitly) at least one constructor from base class. In your example, your child class implicitly has parameterless constructor which implicitly uses parameterless constructor from base. So, you need to: either setup parameretised constructor in every derived class or delele this … Read more

[Solved] which architecture is good for implementing in this project? [closed]

Create a new MVC project and then install CodePlanner from nuget. Install-Package CodePlanner This will give you the architecture you are looking for. Then follow the instructions in the readme.txt… It will give you the chance to use DDD and will generate all code except business logic (of course). You can see a demo of … Read more