[Solved] Issue with Delphi DFM inheritance

The information stored in the dfm is only what you design. The nesting is about parent/child relations, not about ownership. This dfm suggests that Son is no longer the Parent of Father. This may be caused by code in TSon that modifies it’s own parent. 1 solved Issue with Delphi DFM inheritance

[Solved] what am I missing in this datetostr conversion? [closed]

You are declaring a TDateTime variable: var myDate : TDateTime; You are then trying to assign to this variable the result of a function that converts a TDateTime to a String: myDate := datetimetostr(dxDateTimeWheelPicker2.DateTime); So of course you get an incompatible types error, because a TDateTime is not assignment compatible with a String. But for … Read more

[Solved] Delphi Split-Merge String without seperators?

There is no built-in functionality to do that, since you throw away information (the length of each string). So that information have to be stored somewhere. You could use a TStringList descendant : Interface TMyStrings = class(TStringList) protected function GetTextStr: string; override; end; Implementation { TMyStrings } function TMyStrings.GetTextStr: string; var Element: String; begin Result … Read more

[Solved] Can’t Compile Compil32.dproj using Delphi 10.1

It’s a bit confusing. Readme does say you need to install components The readme.md address this issue. Let me quote it for you Component Installation If you intend to view or modify the Setup project’s forms, you must install the following component units, which can be found in the Components directory. BidiCtrls BitmapImage FolderTreeView NewCheckListBox … Read more

[Solved] SQL not finding results

This is or was an issue with the With Adoquery2 do begin … end when using name in the sql, it was really getting adoquery2.name not the var name. I fixed this by changing name to Cname had no more issues after that. 1 solved SQL not finding results

[Solved] Display database structure from Delphi (rad studio)

As already explained to you in comments, your while loop should look something like this: while **not** FData.FDQuery1.Eof do **begin** ShowMessage(FData.FDQuery1.Fields[0].ToString); **FData.FDQuery1.Next;** end; (minus the asterisks, of course). However, that would not overcome the problem that your SQL is incorrect. So, try this instead: In a new Delphi project, place a TFDConnection, TFDQuery, TDataSource, TDataSource … Read more

[Solved] Close the form on certain hours of the day

I suggest you investigate Waitable timers. These can be set to set to fire after a specific period of time (like a regular TTimer) or at a specified time of day, which is exactly what you need in this case. In your form create/show event, create a waitable timer and set it to the required … Read more

[Solved] How to organize this raw string in a TMemo in Delphi?

The string you have is a perfectly formatted JSON array. Written, as source code, it is more readable (JSON doesn’t care about spaces when not inside double quoted string): JSONText : String = ‘[‘ + ‘ {‘ + ‘ “data”: “18/06/2021”,’ + ‘ “dataHora”: “18/06/2021 22:08”,’ + ‘ “descricao”: “Objeto em trĂ¢nsito – por favor … Read more

[Solved] Show progress on Ui [closed]

The best approach is define an Event on your datamodule and then implement a handler for the event in your form and assign it to datamodule event. Then, in your process, you invoke the event and thereby call the event handler. Something like this: type TMyProgressEvent = procedure (Position, TotalSteps: Integer; Msg: string) of object … Read more