[Solved] Live statistics chess960 from chess.com?

Copy of my answer on Chess.SE, in case someone is looking here for an answer. Yes, it’s possible to obtain the data you want. Chess.com has a REST API which is described in the following news post: https://www.chess.com/news/view/published-data-api You can use the following URL to get a list of monthly archives of a players games: … Read more

[Solved] How to sum duplicated values in SQL [closed]

Assuming your table contains a field containing the year, and a field containing the price, you would simply use: SELECT AcquisitionYear, SUM(Price) AS TotalPrice FROM MyTable GROUP BY AcquisitionYear If your table contains a date field, you’d need to extract the year from this field using the YEAR() function: SELECT YEAR(AcquisitionDate), SUM(Price) AS TotalPrice FROM … Read more