[Solved] How to implement 2 level sort in a csv file using Java [closed]

When it’s only a small file you could solve it like this read all lines into a list implement your own Comparator sort the list using your own comparator The example is only a PoC. Anything not necessary to show the principle has been omitted. import java.io.IOException; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; … Read more

[Solved] What is git equivalent of the following cvs command

To check if repo exists, if exists 0 is returned else 128 is returned **git ls-remote –heads http://user:[email protected]:user/repo.git** To check if branch exists in repo, if branch not found no output else one line is printed **git ls-remote –heads http://user:[email protected]:user/repo.git branch** To check if tag exists in repo, if branch not found no output else … Read more

[Solved] Free source control tool to replace CVS – separate repository /working folders are required [closed]

This question indicates you should have no problems having a central Mercurial repository on a network share, given certain limitations: Can you ‘push’ to network share using Mercurial on 64bit Windows 7? However, individual users will still have local copies of the repository. Before ruling out non-shared folder methods, you should review Mercurial’s page on … Read more