[Solved] How to use CSS and HTML tags to put a text follows a centered picture?

https://jsfiddle.net/11h8gn8s/ This is also works: <div class=”wrapper”> <img src=”http://placehold.it/350×150″> <div class=”text”> <p> Words </p> </div> </div> .wrapper { position: relative; text-align: center; } .text { display: inline-block; position: absolute; } solved How to use CSS and HTML tags to put a text follows a centered picture?

[Solved] How to use Element Selector with Class Selector in Jquery [closed]

There is no need to iterate, jQuery will do this for you very conveniently. It’s not very clear from the question what exactly you want to do, but you can: Switch .plus to .minus with $(“.plus”).toggleClass(“plus minus”) Toggle .plus and .minus on all elements that have either with $(“.plus, .minus”).toggleClass(“plus minus”) 1 solved How to … Read more

[Solved] Aligning child div to bottom of parent [closed]

I’ve made a Demo as per the image. —-Below is the CSS Code—- #main{background:url(“http://lorempixel.com/500/500”); width:500px; height:500px; position:relative; } #main:after{ content: “12.49 EURO”; z-index:1; position:absolute; bottom:0; height:50px; width:100%; font-size:2em; color:#000000; background-color:rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5) } —HTML code look like —- <div id=”main”> </div> Here is the Working Demo. http://jsbin.com/duhicoqo/1/ 2 solved Aligning child div to bottom … Read more

[Solved] How to open a local html file from html page?

Forget about document.write. If you wanted to add a link element to a web page (not needed here), you could try using document.createElement and document.body.appendChild. If you want to navigate to an URL through Javascript, you can assign to window.location. Instead of a button, maybe you can make a normal link in the first place? … Read more

[Solved] CSS only Radio button [closed]

I’ve updated my fiddle with a smaller version for the images and the text. Here you go: http://jsfiddle.net/Y9vL7/2/ Hope this is what you wanted. If you want to change the size of the images for the checkboxes you need to do some math for the background-position in the sprite. p>input[type=”radio”] { opacity:0; position:absolute; filter:alpha(opacity=0); margin:5px … Read more

[Solved] WordPress category/post color menu

A lot of it depends on how your theme is set up, but here’s a general overview: 1. Ensure that you are using the body_class() function Check you theme’s header.php and ensure the body tag looks something like: <body <?php body_class(); ?>> This will automatically add a bunch of classes to your body tag, including … Read more

[Solved] Changing the behavior of an element in dropdown div (banner) opening smoothly

For your first problem, the smooth transition, just change or remove the max-height properties and replace them with just the height property. Max-height is not required here and messes with the css transition. And the second transition property is not needed as it is already defined. .dropdown-content-container { overflow-y: hidden; height: 0; transition: all 1.50s; … Read more

[Solved] Can i give two class attributes to an HTML element. İf so, which effects my page if i write code to both of them?

When parsing the start tag, the second class attribute will trigger a duplicate attribute parse error and be ignored. if there is already an attribute on the token with the exact same name, then this is a duplicate-attribute parse error and the new attribute must be removed from the token. Consequently only the first class … Read more

[Solved] Create 3 boxes side-by-side

There a million ways to do this, but here is just one: HTML <div class=”box”> <header> <h2>stuff</h2> </header> <div class=”body”>things</div> </div> <div class=”box”> <header> <h2>stuff</h2> </header> <div class=”body”>things</div> </div> <div class=”box”> <header> <h2>stuff</h2> </header> <div class=”body”>things</div> </div> CSS: body { /* body hack for jsfiddle, do not use */ overflow-x: scroll; width:900px; } div.box { … Read more

[Solved] CSS how to align different size images with text inside row?

here is a solution: Replace images by your images. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <style> * { box-sizing: border-box; } .column { float: left; width: 25%; padding: 5px; } /* Clearfix (clear floats) */ .row::after { content: “”; clear: both; display: table; } </style> </head> <body> <div class=”row”> <div class=”column”> <img src=”https://freesvg.org/img/cartoonsun.png” alt=”Snow” style=”width:100%”> <p style=”text-align: … Read more

[Solved] Css for U shape with arrow [closed]

Is this what you were looking for? .icon-container { background-color: transparent; overflow: hidden; width: 80px; } #curve { height: 60px; width: 100%; background-color: none; border-radius: 50%; border: 5px solid #999; left: 50%; transform: translateX(50%); } #arrow { width: 0px; height: 0px; border-top: 10px solid transparent; border-left: 20px solid #999; border-bottom: 10px solid transparent; position: absolute; … Read more