[Solved] How do I relay First Name to the right of Hello after a user enters it? [closed]

If you are just looking to populate an element with the return from two prompts i think this will fit your needs. function greeting() { var firstName, lastName; firstName = prompt(“Enter your First Name”); lastName = prompt(“Enter your Last Name”); var greetingDiv = document.getElementById(‘greeting’); greetingDiv.innerHTML = firstName + ” ” + lastName; } greeting(); 1 … Read more

[Solved] run button working, when website will be load [closed]

Is this what you were looking for? window.onload = timeInfo(“automatically on load,”); function timeInfo(message) { console.log(message + ” called function”); } document.getElementById(“liked”).addEventListener(“click”, function() { timeInfo(“clicking button”); }); <div class=”author_other_button”> <button id=”liked” class=”likebuttonliked”>მოწონებულია</button> </div> 1 solved run button working, when website will be load [closed]

[Solved] How do we call this type of Bar?

This kind of component is called range in the context of a HTML form. There is a demo available at W3schools’ HTML Input Types page. It can also be referred to as a slider in case of JQuery ui slider component for example. In any case, both slider or range are quite self-explainatory terms that … Read more

[Solved] What is the purpose of compiling css/scss? [closed]

I’m confused. The question title refers to compiling CSS/SCSS, the question refers to compiling PHP/HTML. Since you tagged the question with sass, I’m assuming you’re trying to ask why we need to compile SASS to CSS, instead of just being able to include the SASS file into our projects? If that is your question, it’s … Read more

[Solved] If a element hasClass then display:none;

You could also use the :not() selector based on the OP’s original premise – (I’m assuming that ‘cool’ and ‘hot’ are classes in this example) $(‘.cool:not(.hot)’).css({‘display’:’none’}); You could also use the .not() method – $(‘.cool’).not(‘.hot’).css({‘display’:’none’}); solved If a element hasClass then display:none;

[Solved] How can make white line effect on image [closed]

You can try after or before Pseudo Elements to make this. [Demo] .pillar:after, .pillar:before { position: absolute; content: ”; height: 350px; width: 64px; top: 16px; left: 70px; background-image: url(http://www.indonesia.travel/public/media/images/upload/poi/Danau%20Segara%20Anak%20-%20Gallery.jpg); } 3 solved How can make white line effect on image [closed]

[Solved] Whats wrong with this HTML

You have a site where you load jQuery UI, but that is dependent on jQuery. Make sure you include that on the page before jQuery UI. <script src=”https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.2.1/jquery.min.js”></script> solved Whats wrong with this HTML

[Solved] Creating class in CSS is correct by this method?

This is basic HTML/CSS, and I cant really believe, that you did some research. Anyway, that’s how it works: CSS #first { Color: red; } HTML <div id=”first”> <p> some text </p> <p> some other text </p> </div> If you want to style classes you have to write .first, for ID’s #first EDIT: Where are … Read more