[Solved] positioning section and div [closed]

You can simply use two div elements to divide your page to 70% and 30%. I have edited a bit of your CSS and it works: CSS: .sec { width:70%; float:left; background-color: red; margin-bottom: 3em; } .side { width:30%; float:left; background-color:Green; } HTML: <div id=”wrapper”> //your rest of HTML <div class=”sec”> <h1>Last news</h1> <article> <h1>News … Read more

[Solved] How is this specific design effect achieved? [closed]

CSS Triangles. CSS .arrow-down { width: 0; height: 0; border-left: 20px solid transparent; border-right: 20px solid transparent; border-top: 20px solid #f00; } HTML <div class=”arrow-down”></div> Resource More info can be found here 1 solved How is this specific design effect achieved? [closed]

[Solved] IF DIV color is red? [duplicate]

Yes can do this by using attribute change jquery plugin… As I can see you want an event to be triggered on color change automatically… So, your code will be something like this with its working example… $(“#myDiv”).attrchange({ trackValues: true, // set to true so that the event object is updated with old & new … Read more

[Solved] Float text around image

Here is a solution that works only if you have fixed height divs (here .product) : jsFiddle Demo You will have to put your .pricetag div before the text. Then, the main trick is to use a spacer floated right with a width of 0 : HTML : <div class=”product”> <div class=”pricetagspacer”></div> <div class=”pricetag”> 999 … Read more

[Solved] HTML CSS layout pushing elements down the page [closed]

As usual, Flexbox is our lord and saviour. Here’s your layout made with Flex. .container { width: 500px; height: 250px; display: flex; border: #00f solid 2px; } .container .side { border: #ff0 dashed 3px; flex-basis: 33%; flex-shrink: 0; /* Prevents shrinking if .four grows */ display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: space-between; /* Ensures perfect spacing … Read more

[Solved] click function not working on class

In line number 7 you have done a mistake change //para.innerHTMl para.value Why because you are trying to access the textarea element which is having a attribute value not innerHTML to get the data. You can use innerHTML for ‘div’,’p’ tags etc. 1 solved click function not working on class