[Solved] clickabe imagemap who show div over the imagemap, the position gets wrong if I add more HTML

absolute positioned elements will position themselves relatively to their first parent which has its position set (anything other than the default static) therefore, all you need to do is set a position to the div that contains the image and the X’s: <div class=”container”> <img src=”http://images.apple.com/v/iphone-6/a/images/overview/design_details_left_large.jpg” usemap=”#foo” /> <div id=”divcar1″ class=”divcar1″>x1</div> <div id=”divcar2″ class=”divcar2″>x2</div> </div> … Read more

[Solved] CSS trick for maximum inline image indentation [closed]

Found the answer. Took me a lot of time, and brought me to the darkest corners of CSS. And yet, I’ve emerged enlightened – and the answer is so simple…. <div id=”container” style=”width:auto”> <div id=”text”> some varying text here… </div> <div id=”img” style=”width: 10px; background: url(img.png)”> </div> And The CSS: #text { width:auto; max-width: 100%; … Read more

[Solved] Correct Html Float in my website [closed]

Either: Remove float:left; display:block from your navbar links, and add display:inline-block instead – you may need to adjust some sizes or get rid of all whitespace between them, but it works. OR: Add clear:both to the downDiv element 1 solved Correct Html Float in my website [closed]