[Solved] Why use Core data for storage? [closed]

sure, sqlite is a lib for db too, and core data is an object-c lib for database… both are a good way to manage db, you have just to choose your favorite one… and this may help you: http://tapity.com/iphone-app-development/readwrite-data-on-the-iphone-property-lists-sqlite-or-core-data/ 2 solved Why use Core data for storage? [closed]

[Solved] get all user who progam Id exit in a to many relation [closed]

The parentheses do not match in your predicate. And to compare with an array or set of values, it is much less error-prone to use the %@ expansion: NSArray *wantedIds = @[@1, @2]; NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@”ANY programs.programId IN %@”, wantedIds]; 0 solved get all user who progam Id exit in a to many … Read more

[Solved] _fetchedResultsController objectAtIndexPath:indexPath freezes app

The alternative way is to use self-sizing cells. You won’t have to calculate (or cache) any row heights. Add Auto Layout constraints to your tableViewCell’s subviews which will cause the cell to adjust its height based on the subview’s contents. Enable row height estimation. self.tableView.rowHeight = UITableViewAutomaticDimension; self.tableView.estimatedRowHeight = 44.0; For more information, see the … Read more

[Solved] How to wait core data add functions step by step in swift 3

try using completion handler for your function or may try Operation queue with dependency to wait coreDataAdd (where : “User”, onCompletion: { (isFinished) in if isFinished { coreDataAdd (where : “Profile”, onCompletion: { (isFinished) in if isFinished { coreDataAdd (where : “Profile”, onCompletion: { (isFinished) in if isFinished //Here segue to the next view let … Read more