[Solved] Ruby IRC Server / Client [closed]
https://www.ruby-toolbox.com/categories/irc_bots 5 solved Ruby IRC Server / Client [closed]
https://www.ruby-toolbox.com/categories/irc_bots 5 solved Ruby IRC Server / Client [closed]
I used XMLHTTPRequest(). Seems pretty standard now and obvious for REST API. WebSocket() object for was. solved can some one recommend a good client library to send data over https? [closed]
You can start by reading up the RFC governing the FTP protocol. With that you can get an idea on how the FTP protocol works, how it sends commands, expected responses etc. You can find a link here: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc959 Aside from that you can have a look at this GitHub repository. In there you’ll find … Read more
Why can’t a server be controlled without a client? It can. A server may respond to the requests sent by the client but it can also do other things. Ok, in all the years servers have existed, you’re telling me the best you can do is give me a crappy cron job if I want … Read more
Most of the WebMail service providers with free-service support basic/mobile web-browser and ofcourse supports general/full web-browser. These type of service provider’s web-mail-servers can detect user’s (client-side) web-browser software, by detecting the User-Agent string & can switch & transfer to that mode of specific web-pages. TB = THUNDERBIRD . TB is an EMAIL CLIENT type of … Read more
I found these resources helpful: “The Node Beginner Book”, Building your first node.js app (series), “NowJS and Node.js Tutorial – Creating a multi room chat client”, “Beginner’s Guide To Node.Js”, and “Node.js & WebSocket – Simple chat tutorial”. These should get you up to speed with using Node.JS Good luck! solved Can some one provide … Read more