[Solved] Annual calender in asp.net page [closed]

If you are using the standard ASP.NET calendar control, then you can style dates by implementing a DayRender(…) event handler. The DayRender event is raised for each day that is created for the Calendar control. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.web.ui.webcontrols.calendar.dayrender.aspx Here you can check which date you are handling and style it. In your case, this is where you … Read more

[Solved] Web Scraping From .asp URLs

I would recommend using JSoup for this. To do so add below to pom.xml <dependency> <groupId>org.jsoup</groupId> <artifactId>jsoup</artifactId> <version>1.11.2</version> </dependency> Then you fire a first request to just get cookied Connection.Response initialPage = Jsoup.connect(“https://www.flightview.com/flighttracker/”) .headers(headers) .method(Connection.Method.GET) .userAgent(userAgent) .execute(); Map<String, String> initialCookies = initialPage.cookies(); Then you fire the next request with these cookies Connection.Response flights = Jsoup.connect(“https://www.flightview.com/TravelTools/FlightTrackerQueryResults.asp”) … Read more

[Solved] How to make login page in asp.net? [closed]

Well, before I begin let’s talk about the assumptions I’m going to have to make because you provided almost no information in your question. Bear in mind I have to make these assumptions so I can provide some kind of answer. Database Schema I’m going to assume the database schema looks something like this: … … Read more

[Solved] Online PPT Viewer with all power point support

Solution 1: (Requires lots of work) 1. Export PPT to XPS 2. Write a custom display (UserControl) which will display your XPS. (Refer to http://www.wictorwilen.se/Post/Dissecting-XPS-part-1–The-basics.aspx and the entire 8 Part series) 3. Enhance your User Control (Developed in Step #2) to allow editing by maipulating the XPS’ XML Solution 2: Integrate your PPT with SharePoint … Read more

[Solved] Ambiguous column name ‘ProductID’ in asp.net

Since the column ProductID is present in both tables, the WHERE clause find it Ambiguous. So, Replace ProductID=@ProductID with o.ProductID=@ProductID update o set o.Updatedproduct = p.ProductQuantity – o.Totalproduct from CustomerProducts o inner join Products p on o.ProductID = p.ProductID WHERE o.ProductID=@ProductID 15 solved Ambiguous column name ‘ProductID’ in asp.net

[Solved] error updating inside js (tabbed panel) [closed]

Probably you do not initialize the pageLoad no where in your code. var prm = Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.getInstance(); prm.add_endRequest(pageLoad); This pageLoad is not a function that automatically called from UpdatePanel, you need to initialize that on javascript part. Actually is not a know function, so I guess that you copy paste this code from somewhere with out … Read more

[Solved] Invitation using a token [closed]

You should store the invitation KEY against your each unique email ID list. So when user register using your KEY you can either remove that email form Pending Invitation List or alternatively use flag bit to mark as registered. solved Invitation using a token [closed]

[Solved] Comparing two textboxes with datetime value in jquery

Something like this ? function onChange(sender, txt, departed) { var txtArrival = $(“#txtArrivalDate”); var txtArrivalDate = $(txtArrival).val(); //Value from arrival var txtDate = $(txt).val(); //Value from departed var departureDate = new Date(txtDate); //Converting string to date var arrivalDate = new Date(txtArrivalDate); //Converting string to date if (departureDate.getTime() < arrivalDate.getTime()) { txt.val(txtArrivalDate); //Does not work, value … Read more

[Solved] ASP NET Core (MVC) problem with passing parameters from the view to the controller

Because the parameter names you accept are answer1, answer2, you should have a matching name in your view to make it possible to bind successfully. You can modify your front-end code as follows(DropDownListForto DropDownList): @model CommonEntity @using (Html.BeginForm(“Find”, “Hello”)) { @Html.DropDownList(“answer1”, new SelectList(ViewBag.Location, “Title”, “Title”)) @Html.DropDownList(“answer2”, new SelectList(ViewBag.JobTitle, “Title”, “Title”)) <button type=”submit”>Find</button> } Your Controller: … Read more

[Solved] how to get parameter in other class

Please try in that way:- In first class:- public string _chartName; In Second Class:- internal class DefaultAllReadingsDataProvider : DataProvider { internal override OutputData GetOutputData(Guid userId, int N, int pageNum) { IntelliChart iclass = new IntelliChart(“test”); Response.Write(iclass._chartName); } } 0 solved how to get parameter in other class

[Solved] Error converting data type nvarchar to float

So I think your error is with your select statement. You are trying to perform calculations on nvarchar values. You either need to change the data types, or perform a Cast within your select statement. For example… CAST (lat AS float) A section from your select statement for example should be… ACOS( SIN( CAST ((@lat) … Read more