[Solved] Cannot implicitly convert type ‘Task’ to ‘Task’

QueryReadOnlyListAsync calls the Dapper extension method QueryAsync, which returns a Task<IEnumerable<T>>. IEnumerable doesn’t implement IReadOnlyList. You can’t return Task<IEnumerable> if the method’s return type is Task<IReadOnlyList>. You need to convert the IEnumerable into a collection that implements IReadOnlyList, such as a regular List: //Make method async so you can await the Task returned by ExecuteWithResiliency … Read more

[Solved] Unable to Load Assembly in Worker Service (.Net Core3.1 and NLog 4.9.2)

You have to install NLog also by using the Nuget Package Manager or running the below command in the package manager console. Install-Package NLog -Version 4.7.2 Reference: https://github.com/NLog/NLog/wiki/Getting-started-with-ASP.NET-Core-3#1-add-dependency-in-csproj-manually-or-using-nuget 4 solved Unable to Load Assembly in Worker Service (.Net Core3.1 and NLog 4.9.2)