[Solved] How to show fields from an ArcGIS Online feature layer in a popup using javascript? [closed]

The simplest way is to enable default popup templates for your layers: view.popup.defaultPopupTemplateEnabled = true; See the following CodePen for a live demo: https://codepen.io/arnofiva/pen/ddf9a71a85ec46fd291e38c8cc259fd6?editors=1010 You can also define customized popups by setting FeatureLayer.popupTemplate, see PopupTemplate for samples and more information. solved How to show fields from an ArcGIS Online feature layer in a popup using … Read more

[Solved] Passing coordinates values from google sheets columns in static map URL

I think you had Lat, long wrong way around. Some mapping systems require Lat, Lng and others Lng, Lat (go figure!) If you change as below, you will get an image, but you may need to play with other parameters to get it working as you need. =IMAGE(“https://api.mapbox.com/styles/v1/mapbox/streets-v10/static/”&K3&”,”&J3&”,14.25,0,60/600×600?access_token=API_KEY”) You can also use the form below … Read more