[Solved] target _blank funny behaviour [closed]

It’s an issue with this script: http://www.l2herbal.com/js/scrollTo.min.js Here is a code that changes window URL: window.location.hash = d You applied it to all menu links in http://www.l2herbal.com/js/main.js: $(‘#nav-boxes a, .logo a, #nav a, #navmobile ul a’).scrollTo({ duration: ‘slow’ }); Change #nav-boxes a selector to exclude forum url. 3 solved target _blank funny behaviour [closed]

[Solved] ie8 with anchor causes crash [closed]

The problem is the href: assortiment.php#top is asking too much. IE8 can’t deal with a link to an element that doesn’t exist yet (the relative anchor is linking to an element on the new page). JS can solve this problem for you, though: window.onload = function() { if (location.href.indexOf(‘#top’) === -1) { location.href += ‘#top’; … Read more