[Solved] How to Set ListView Adapter

try the following Adapter…… public class MyAdapter extends BaseAdapter { Context con; ArrayList<your type> mlist; RoomModel sched; public MyAdapter(Context con,ArrayList<your type> mlist ) { this.con=con; this.mlist=mlist; } @Override public int getCount() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return mlist.length; } @Override public Object getItem(int position) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return mlist[position]; } @Override … Read more

[Solved] Get resources images from variable

You can define Context inner class MonsterAdapter public class MonsterAdapter extends BaseAdapter{ Context mContext; public MonsterAdapter(Context context, …){ this.mContext = context; … } } then you can use imageView.setImageResource(mContext.getResources().getIdentifier(variableValue, “drawable”, getPackageName())); solved Get resources images from variable

[Solved] Display a toast after clicking an item in a RecyclerView

According to this question this is the best way to implement clicking on the item of RecyclerView Firstly create a file values/ids.xml and put this in it: <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”utf-8″?> <resources> <item name=”item_click_support” type=”id” /> </resources> then add the code below to your source for Java Copy the following helper class to your project public … Read more

[Solved] Cannot cast ‘android.view.View’ to ‘com.example.shabeer.listview.ListView’

Introduction This article provides a solution to the error “Cannot cast ‘android.view.View’ to ‘com.example.shabeer.listview.ListView’”. This error occurs when attempting to cast an android.view.View object to a com.example.shabeer.listview.ListView object. The solution provided in this article will help developers understand the cause of the error and how to resolve it. Solution The error message indicates that you … Read more

[Solved] Cannot cast ‘android.view.View’ to ‘com.example.shabeer.listview.ListView’

You cannot cast an Android listview to your own listview. Instead of “com.example.shabeer.listview.ListView” you need a “android.widget.ListView”. This is the one you are referencing in your xml layout file. public static android.widget.ListView list_view; and list_view = (android.widget.ListView)findViewById(R.id.listView_id); 0 solved Cannot cast ‘android.view.View’ to ‘com.example.shabeer.listview.ListView’

[Solved] using onClick to open details depending on the position of Recycler view

Create Constructor in adapter class : public DataAdapter(List<Pojo> dataList, OnItemClickListener listener) { this.dataList = dataList; this.listener = listener; } Create OnBindViewHolder() method and get position : @Override public void onBindViewHolder(MyViewHolder holder, int position) { final Pojo movie = dataList.get(position); holder.Showid.setText(movie.getCatagory_id()); holder.fname.setText(movie.getCatagory_name()); holder.thumbNail.setImageUrl(movie.getCatagory_thumbnailUrl(), imageLoader); holder.itemView.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { listener.onItemClick(movie.getSubCatagoryArrayList()); } }); … Read more

[Solved] How do I add two view types in a Recycler adapter? I want to make a Android Chatting App [closed]

You should use getItemViewType() of the RecyclerView.Adapter. Return different values for different views in that callback. You will receive that value in viewType of onCreateViewHolder callback. Inflate different layouts based on the viewType. solved How do I add two view types in a Recycler adapter? I want to make a Android Chatting App [closed]

[Solved] code go to other activity from main activty Adapter [closed]

Declare new variable in adapter Context mContext; replace your adapter constructor MyAdapter(String Titles[], int Icons[], String Name, String Email, int Profile) { mNavTitles = Titles; mIcons = Icons; name = Name; email = Email; profile = Profile; } with below MyAdapter(String Titles[], int Icons[], String Name, String Email, int Profile,Context cntx) { mNavTitles = Titles; … Read more