[Solved] Why does this function return this value? [duplicate]


This question is a duplicate of a previously asked question. This question is asking why a particular function returns a certain value. The answer to this question can be found by examining the code of the function and understanding the logic behind it. By understanding the logic behind the function, it is possible to determine why the function returns the value it does.


The function in question is likely returning a specific value based on the parameters that are passed into it. Without knowing the exact function and parameters, it is impossible to answer this question.

The default return of the method will be None. If you perform the following:

res = output()

and print out res, it will be None. By default, None is always returned when not specifying a return.

>>> def output():
...     print "Hello, world!"
>>> res = output()
Hello, world!
>>> res
>>> type(res)
<type 'NoneType'>

However, you will still get something printed to screen, because the print statement will run when the method is called.

solved Why does this function return this value? [duplicate]

This question has been asked before and already has an answer. If those answers do not fully address your question, please ask a new question.

The answer to why a particular function returns a certain value depends on the code of the function itself. It is impossible to answer this question without seeing the code of the function. However, it is possible to make some general assumptions about why a function might return a certain value. For example, a function might return a value based on the input it receives, or it might return a value based on a calculation it performs.

It is also possible that the function is returning a value based on a predetermined set of conditions. For example, a function might return a certain value if a certain condition is met, or it might return a different value if the condition is not met. In this case, it is important to understand the logic behind the function in order to determine why it is returning a certain value.

In summary, the answer to why a particular function returns a certain value depends on the code of the function itself. Without seeing the code, it is impossible to answer this question definitively.