[Solved] What kind of information is stored in a .cpp file extension? [closed]

The .h usually has the class definition (code)

#ifndef CLASS_T_H
#define CLASS_T_H

class class_t {
    class_t(const class_t& o);


    class_t& operator=(const class_t& o);




And the .cpp usually has the class implementation (code)

#include "class_t.h"

class_t::class_t() {


class_t::class_t(const class_t& o) {


class_t::~class_t() {


class_t& class_t::operator=(const class_t& o) {
    return *this;

You could use the class_t in another .cpp file by inclduing the .h file and compiling the cpp files into a binary executable. One of the cpp files would contain your main() method.


solved What kind of information is stored in a .cpp file extension? [closed]