[Solved] WEMOS D1 + DallasTemperature: How to print temperature and temperature comparison in if [closed]

In this line:

int insideThermometer = (int)insideThermometer;

You create a local variable and assign it to itself. Not what you wanted. The global var you are trying to use is

DeviceAddress insideThermometer = { 0x28,  0xFF,  0x83,  0x51,  0xB2,  0x17,  0x4,  0x8A };

If you look at the source code, DeviceAddress is typdef’d as

typedef uint8_t DeviceAddress[8];

If you want to get the temperature you need to call sensors.getTempC(insideThermometer), which you already do in the printTemperature function. Since you call that function before testing the temp, just modify it to return the temp:

float printTemperature(DeviceAddress deviceAddress)
  float tempC = sensors.getTempC(deviceAddress);
  float tempF = 0;
  if (tempC == -127.00) {
    Serial.print("Error getting temperature");
  } else {
    Serial.print("C: ");
    Serial.print(" F: ");
    tempF = DallasTemperature::toFahrenheit(tempC);
  return tempF;

Then change to

int insideTempF = printTemperature(insideThermometer);
if (insideTempF > mintemp) {

(You may want to change the name of the function to something like printAndReturnTemperature as that more clearly states its new functionality.)

solved WEMOS D1 + DallasTemperature: How to print temperature and temperature comparison in if [closed]