[Solved] using slice to break a big line into two lines [closed]

You could do it like this:

function splitter(str) {
  let splitArr = str.split(' ')
  let firstSentence=""
  let secondSentence=""
  for (const split of splitArr) {
    const splitIdx = splitArr.indexOf(split)
    if (splitIdx < 3) {
      firstSentence += split;
      firstSentence += ' '
    } else {
      secondSentence += split;
      secondSentence += ' '

splitter('Bank of Canada 119 Rue Saint-Jacques, Quebec, QC, H2Y 1L6')

I’m working under the assumption that the first three words should be in the first sentence and that the others should be in the second one.

solved using slice to break a big line into two lines [closed]