[Solved] How does this method of encrypting web addresses work?

The “encryption” is not really worth its name. You should rather call it obfuscation. It is just a “formatting nuissance” and no more. Here are the individual steps to turn the long numeric obfuscated string uu into its generating sequence:

const uus = ['11041116111611121115105810471047104810501057110311001104104611191106109811171114110811011121104610991111110910471035',

uus.forEach(uu => {
  // divide the string into chunks of 4:
  const u4 = [...Array(uu.length / 4)].map((e, i) => uu.substr(4 * i, 4));
  console.log(u4.join("\n")) // show all 4-character codes

  // subtract 1000 from each code and translate into the corresponding UTF character:
  const carr = u4.map(c => String.fromCharCode(c - 1000));
  console.log(carr.join("")); // join the characters

solved How does this method of encrypting web addresses work?