[Solved] User Input + Random Word and Number printing

input and occupation are defined outside the scope of the occupationsfunction. Either declare it as a global variable with $input and $occupation, declare it inside the function or pass the variables as arguments to the function (as Lee suggested):

puts 'What is your name?(Enter in field below)'
$input = gets.chomp
puts 'end'
occupationslist = ['Engineer', 'Clerk', 'Doctor', 'Demolition Expert', 'Athlete', 'None',]
oclistlength = occupationslist.length
rand1 = rand(oclistlength)
$occupation = occupationslist[rand1]
def occupations
  puts $input
  puts 'Occupation: ' + $occupation
  puts 'Rating: ' + rand(1-12).to_s  

Besides, there was a typo: in occupation = occupationslist[rand1] instead of oc*c*upationslist[rand1] you wrote ocupationslist[rand1] (without the ‘c’).


solved User Input + Random Word and Number printing