[Solved] Unable to access variable in other class for text display [Unity]

You are never initializing the bask in GameManager.cs.

public class GameManager : MonoBehaviour {
Basket bask;
public Text text_apple; 

// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
    bask = GameObject.Find("BaskNameInHierarchy").GetComponent<Basket>()
    text_apple.text = bask.displayApple; //i want to call the method of displayApple to get the string returned.

You can also make the bask public public Basket bask;. Then drag a GameObject into the inspector on the GameObject that the script is attached to.

Also the Shelf script should be called Basket if you’re trying to reach displayApple(). Or the other way around: private shelf bask.


solved Unable to access variable in other class for text display [Unity]