[Solved] TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for &: ‘str’ and ‘int’ on compile re [closed]

You are calling the re.compile() function, whose second argument is an integer representing the different regular expression flags (such as IGNORECASE or VERBOSE).

Judging by your variable names, I think you wanted to use the re.findall() function instead:

findall_localizacao_tema = re.findall(
    ':.? (*)' + findall_tema[0] + "https://stackoverflow.com/",

You can still use re.compile, but then you must use store the resulting regex instance and call the regex.findall() method:

pattern = re.compile(':.? (*)' + findall_tema[0] + "https://stackoverflow.com/")
findall_localizacao_tema = pattern.findall(arquivo_salva)

Not that your expression is actually valid; you cannot use * without something to repeat; nothing precedes your the quantifier (the ( doesn’t count as it defines a group with the )).


solved TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for &: ‘str’ and ‘int’ on compile re [closed]