[Solved] Trying to make sense of C++ Struct


C++ Structs are a powerful tool for organizing data in a program. They allow you to store multiple pieces of related information in a single object, making it easier to access and manipulate. However, understanding how to use Structs can be confusing for beginners. This article will provide an overview of Structs and explain how to use them in C++ programming. We will also discuss some of the common pitfalls and best practices for working with Structs. By the end of this article, you should have a better understanding of how to use Structs in your C++ programs.


A struct in C++ is a user-defined data type that can contain multiple data members of different types. Structs are useful for organizing related data into a single unit, and can be used to create complex data structures.

For example, a struct might be used to store information about a person, such as their name, age, and address. The struct would look something like this:

struct Person {
string name;
int age;
string address;

To use the struct, you would create a variable of type Person and assign values to its members:

Person person;
person.name = “John Doe”;
person.age = 25;
person.address = “123 Main Street”;

You can then access the data stored in the struct by using the dot operator:

cout << person.name << endl; // prints "John Doe" cout << person.age << endl; // prints 25 cout << person.address << endl; // prints "123 Main Street"

all I want to know is what the Store() and ~Store() parts do

They are declaring the struct’s constructor and destructor, respectively.

what the point of the public: part is in the struct

To declare them as publically accessible so outside code can call them.

and also what the part in f.cpp actually does

Implements the body code of the constructor. The code in the .h file is just the declaration.

solved Trying to make sense of C++ Struct

Making Sense of C++ Struct Code

C++ Structs are a powerful tool for organizing data and creating complex data structures. However, understanding the syntax and structure of C++ Structs can be a challenge. In this article, we’ll take a look at how to make sense of C++ Struct code with pre HTML tags.

What are C++ Structs?

C++ Structs are a type of data structure that allows you to store multiple pieces of related data in a single unit. Structs are similar to classes, but they are simpler and more lightweight. Structs are often used to store data that is related to a particular object or entity.

How to Read C++ Struct Code

When reading C++ Struct code, it’s important to understand the syntax and structure of the code. The code is written in a specific format, and it’s important to understand the meaning of each line.

The first line of a C++ Struct code is the struct keyword. This keyword tells the compiler that the code is defining a Struct. The next line is the name of the Struct, followed by a set of curly braces. Inside the curly braces, you’ll find the data members of the Struct.

Each data member is defined by its type, followed by its name. For example, if you have an integer data member, it would be defined as “int x;” where “x” is the name of the data member.

Using Pre HTML Tags

Pre HTML tags are a great way to make C++ Struct code easier to read. Pre HTML tags allow you to add formatting to the code, such as indentation and line breaks. This makes the code easier to read and understand.

To use pre HTML tags, you simply add the tags around the code. For example, if you wanted to add indentation to the code, you would add the

 tag before the code and the 

tag after the code. This will add indentation to the code, making it easier to read.


C++ Structs are a powerful tool for organizing data and creating complex data structures. However, understanding the syntax and structure of C++ Structs can be a challenge. By using pre HTML tags, you can make the code easier to read and understand. With a little practice, you’ll be able to make sense of C++ Struct code in no time.