[Solved] Trouble with LESS and GREA excetra if commands

here are a few changes, before carrying on with your project you really do need to do some reading.

echo You know, %name%, I just really cannot tell how old you are.
echo Do not hesitate to say "No" if you would not really like to tell me,
set /p "age=but I would like to know. "
if /i "%age%" EQU "No" goto :NoAge
if "%age%" LSS "12" goto :Young
if "%age%" GTR "12" goto :Older
goto :Next1
if "%age%" LSS "18" goto :Teen
goto :Adult
echo Oh, so you are quite young, are you!
echo Well, that is ok, we can still have a little chat!
set "age=Young"

Oh, a teenager... I AIN'T MESSIN' WIT' YOU!
echo Ah, a good old adult. Lovely!
set "age=Older"
goto :Next2
echo Well, that is ok (as I did say!) So, do not worry!
goto :Next2
if /i "%age%" EQU "Young" goto :Young-next2
goto :Adult-next2
echo Young %name%, would you like to play a game of rock, paper, scissors? (Y/N)
set /p "RPS=Y/N "
if /i "%RPS%" EQU "Y" goto :Yes
if /i "%RPS%" EQU "N" goto :No
goto :Young-next2

You need to fill in something at the blank line, probably a goto, depending upon how you are going to have a chat. If you don’t do that the code will go straight into the :Teen label.


solved Trouble with LESS and GREA excetra if commands