[Solved] Spring Security – api gateway pattern – bug?

Alright, after many hours we found a solution to what seemed to be inconsistent behavior. Meaning sometimes you’d log in and it’d retain the proper session and you could go the the localhost:8080/ui page and not get the Whitelabel Error page… sometimes you’d still get it.

On the Gateway server…
1) Added RequestMethod.POST

public class HomeController {
    @RequestMapping(method = { RequestMethod.GET, RequestMethod.POST }, path = "https://stackoverflow.com/")
    public String home() {
        return "redirect:" + RequestMappings.UI;

2) Changed configure file, specifically
a) added .successForwardUrl(“/”)
b) added .loginProcessingUrl(“/login”)
c) added .logoutSuccessUrl(“/login?logout”)

protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
    .and().addFilterAfter(csrfHeaderFilter(), SessionManagementFilter.class);

Now, there still is a way to get the whitepage error. If, before ever logging in, you go directly to localhost:8080/ui…. It’ll forward you to the localhost:8080/login page. You log in. You’ll be at localhost:8080/ui/ looking at everything as expected. If you remove the last forward slash then you’ll get the whitepage error. Then from there things can get mucked up in the cache. But if you go back to the root, you can login as normal and everything will work as normal.

I think what is going on is that the pre-login localhost:8080/ui call is being cached and because the index.html page was never loaded once you log back in and go back you pass the authorization check, but it tries to load… well, nothing, then throws an error. At least that’s my best guess.

Anyways, cheers! Thanks for the help, which started us off on the right track!


solved Spring Security – api gateway pattern – bug?