[Solved] Split multiple Words in a string [closed]

I am unsure about the language, but for C# you can use the following:

string s1 = "1 AND 1 OR 1";
string s2 = s1.Replace("AND", ",").Replace("OR", ",");

Which doesn’t use regular expressions.

If you want an array, you can use the following:

string s1 = "1 AND 1 OR 1";
string[] s2 = Regex.Split(s1.Replace(" ", string.Empty), "AND|OR");

In Java you can replace using the same mechanism:

String s1 = "1 AND 1 OR 1";
String s2 = s1.replace("AND", ",").replace("OR", ",");

And to get an array:

String s1="1 AND 1 OR 1";
String[] s2 = s1.replace(" ", "").split("AND|OR");


solved Split multiple Words in a string [closed]