[Solved] Simple sharing text and number App(Client-side) over internet [closed]


Sharing text and numbers over the internet can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to developing a client-side application. Fortunately, there are a few simple solutions that can help you quickly and easily share text and numbers over the internet. In this article, we will discuss how to create a simple sharing text and number app on the client-side that can be used to share data over the internet. We will also discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using this type of application. Finally, we will provide some tips and tricks to help you get the most out of your app.


The simplest way to share text and numbers over the internet is to use a web-based application. This type of application can be built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

The HTML would be used to create the basic structure of the application, such as the text input fields and buttons. The CSS would be used to style the application, such as adding colors and fonts. The JavaScript would be used to handle the logic of the application, such as sending the data to the server and receiving the response.

The application would need to have a server-side component as well, which would be responsible for storing the data and responding to requests from the client. This could be done using a language such as PHP or Node.js.

Once the application is built, it can be deployed to a web server and accessed from any device with an internet connection.

There are multiple ways to approach this problem (REST, WebSocket, etc.) I recommend using sockets in this case but I’ll leave it up to you to read up on the pros/cons of different approaches.

Socket.IO has a popular Android library for real-time bidirectional event-based communication between two nodes.

At a high level, to use Socket.IO in your application, you first need to create an instance of it. This will allow you to send and receive messages. For example:

private Socket mSocket;
mSocket = IO.socket("http://chat.socket.io");

To send a message, you need to emit to an event. Let’s call this event "new message". The following code sends a message using emit.

mSocket.emit("new message", message);

In a chat application, you would emit a new message when the user clicks the Send button. In your specific case, you need to first get the value of your EditText like this:


and then emit your message in your Send button’s OnClickListener.

Now that we know how to send a message, we need to know how to receive a message. To receive a message, you need to listen on an event, as opposed to emitting on an event.

mSocket.on("new message", onNewMessage);

The above line will listen for a "new message" event, and execute the behavior set in onNewMessage, which is a Listener. In your chat application, you can update a TextView with the new message by adding the logic in your Listener.


To recap, you need to:

  1. Create a Socket.IO instance
  2. When the user clicks Send, grab the text from the EditText and emit it
  3. Listen for a message and update the TextView

Details on implementation can be found in Socket.IO’s Android tutorial. I highly recommend that you take a look at this as it is a complete, working example.

Hope this helps!


solved Simple sharing text and number App(Client-side) over internet [closed]

Creating a Simple Sharing App for Text and Numbers Over the Internet

Creating a simple sharing app for text and numbers over the internet can be a great way to collaborate with others. Whether you are working on a project with a team or just want to share information with friends, a sharing app can be a great tool. In this article, we will discuss how to create a simple sharing app for text and numbers over the internet.

Step 1: Choose a Platform

The first step in creating a simple sharing app for text and numbers over the internet is to choose a platform. There are many different platforms available, such as web-based, mobile, and desktop. Each platform has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it is important to consider your needs before making a decision. For example, if you are looking for a platform that is easy to use and has a wide range of features, then a web-based platform may be the best choice.

Step 2: Design the App

Once you have chosen a platform, the next step is to design the app. This includes deciding on the features you want to include, such as the ability to share text, numbers, and other data. You should also consider the user interface and how easy it will be for users to navigate the app. Additionally, you should consider the security of the app and how you will protect user data.

Step 3: Develop the App

Once you have designed the app, the next step is to develop it. This includes writing the code for the app and testing it to make sure it works properly. Depending on the platform you chose, you may need to use a specific programming language or framework. Additionally, you may need to use a specific development environment, such as an integrated development environment (IDE).

Step 4: Publish the App

Once the app is developed, the next step is to publish it. Depending on the platform you chose, you may need to submit the app to an app store or marketplace. Additionally, you may need to create a website or landing page for the app. This will help users find the app and learn more about it.


Creating a simple sharing app for text and numbers over the internet can be a great way to collaborate with others. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can create a simple sharing app that is easy to use and secure. Additionally, you can publish the app to an app store or marketplace to make it easier for users to find and use the app.