[Solved] Sending Email from JavaScript with SMTP Server [closed]

You can use this tool:


It allows you to encrypt your SMTP credentials when you call it so you don’t expose them to the client side.

Include this script:

<script src="https://smtpjs.com/v2/smtp.js"></script>

And then you can call the service like this:

Email.send("[email protected]",
    "[email protected]",
    "This is a subject",
    "this is the body",

If you don’t want to expose your credentials you can generate a secure token using the website I linked above.

Email.send("[email protected]",
    "[email protected]",
    "This is a subject",
    "this is the body",
    {token: "63cb3a19-2684-44fa-b76f-debf422d8b00"}

And call it like this.


solved Sending Email from JavaScript with SMTP Server [closed]