[Solved] Regex – Allow Alphanumeric, spaces and symbols but CANNOT be only numeric or symbols or spaces. Must have alphabets in it


Regular expressions, commonly known as “regex” or “regexp”, are special strings used to define search patterns. They are used to match text, and are incredibly powerful and versatile. In this article, we will discuss a particular regex pattern that allows alphanumeric characters, spaces, and symbols, but cannot be only numeric, symbols, or spaces. It must contain at least one alphabet character. We will explain the syntax of the regex pattern and provide examples of how it can be used.



Regex – Allow Alphanumeric, spaces and symbols but CANNOT be only numeric or symbols or spaces. Must have alphabets in it

solved Regex – Allow Alphanumeric, spaces and symbols but CANNOT be only numeric or symbols or spaces. Must have alphabets in it

Regex is a powerful tool for validating strings. It can be used to ensure that a string contains only alphanumeric characters, spaces, and symbols, but cannot be only numeric, symbols, or spaces. To accomplish this, you can use the following regex pattern:


This pattern will match any string that contains at least one alphabetic character, followed by any combination of alphanumeric characters, spaces, and symbols. It will not match strings that contain only numeric characters, symbols, or spaces.

For example, the following strings would all be valid:

  • Hello World!
  • 123abc
  • abc123@#$%

But the following strings would not be valid:

  • 123
  • @#$%