[Solved] Randomly choosing a letter in textbox to be upper or lower cased [closed]

You can try this: explanations will be given as comments

    Dim input As String = TextBox2.Text '<--- this should be input "Hello I am Greg" 
    TextBox2.Text = "" '<--- clear the textbox to store output
    Dim rnd As New Random '<---- generating new random number 
    For Each c As Char In input '<--- iterate through each character
        If rnd.Next() Mod 2 = 0 Then
            TextBox2.Text &= UCase(c) '<--- if true then print particular letter in upperCase
            TextBox2.Text &= LCase(c) '<--- if true then print particular letter in LowerCase
        End If


solved Randomly choosing a letter in textbox to be upper or lower cased [closed]