[Solved] R.java not generated or updating. Deleting itself for no known reason. HELP every solution tried,

I often have problems with the R file as well. Here are some things you can try:

  • Delete R.java and see if it regenerates (make sure Auto build is turn on)
  • Turn off auto build and manually compile the project
  • Go to your hidden .android folder and delete debug_keystore, then restart Eclipse and rebuild. May need to restart the computer as well.
  • Completely uninstall and reinstall Eclipse

Then there’s the other suggested answers… check your XML files for errors, make sure your classes import the correct R file instead of android.R, etc.

Do you get any specific error messages in the console?
This happens for ALL your projects?


solved R.java not generated or updating. Deleting itself for no known reason. HELP every solution tried,