[Solved] Python: Unhashable error, lists

Two major issues:

1) You are storing the results in chos_items, then not doing anything with them. full_items, when you exit the while loop, contains "end" or ""

print("That would be, {}".format(' '.join([items[int(item)] for item in chos_items])))

Will give you a list of all the items chosen, but it won’t give how many, as you don’t store that value.

2) You aren’t leveraging the python dicts for full effect:

if item in items:

You check whether the item is within items as a dictionary, but then don’t leverage the dictionary.

items = {'12345670' : {'name' : 'Hammer', 'price' : 4.50},
         '87654325' : {'name' : 'screwDriver', 'price' : 4.20}}

If this is your dictionary, you can then do the below:

for item in items:
    print("{} is a {} (£{:0.2f})".format(item, items[item]['name'], items[item]['price']))

which will print out the list of items and their prices for you:

87654325 is a screwDriver (£4.20)
12345670 is a Hammer (£4.50)

as item is the number, item['name'] is the name, and item['price'] is the price. You can then consolidate your if/if/if/if block into a single lookup: if item in items:

This will greatly simplify your logic, as the dict does most of the work.


solved Python: Unhashable error, lists