[Solved] Python methods that add numbers given in parenthesis [closed]

I found a way to do what you are asking for:

class AddableInt(int):
    def __call__(self, n):
        return AddableInt(self + n)

def add(n):
    return AddableInt(n)

add(5)(10)(20) # evaluates to 35

This works because the call to add(5) creates an AddableInt with a value of 5. No __init__ method was declared in AddableInt, so it just uses int‘s default constructor. The subsequent calls (10)(20) each call AddableInt‘s __call__ method, which adds the argument to itself and creates a new AddableInt.

Old answer:

Python does not support what you are asking for. The closest I can come up with is:

from functools import partial
def add(n=None, terms=None):
    if n is None:
        return sum(terms) if terms else 0
        if terms:
            terms = [n]
        return partial(add, terms=terms)

Call it like:

add(5)(10)(20)() # Note the extra parenthesis on the end

Better would be to use:



solved Python methods that add numbers given in parenthesis [closed]