[Solved] How to send data to the server(api) using swift

you can send data to server by using Alamofire API. It’s documention and implemention all the stuff are mentioned in the following link.


Just install it using Pods and it’s very easy to implement.

create Network Class and create following function inside it.

   func get_Request(currentView : UIViewController,action : NSString,completionHandler: (NSDictionary -> Void)) {
    print("Url==>>>",mainURl + (action as String))

    Alamofire.request(.GET,mainURl + (action as String), parameters: nil)
        .responseJSON { response in

            if let JSON = response.result.value {
                completionHandler(JSON as! NSDictionary)

Other class

    NetworkClass.get_Request(self,action: "yourServiceName/" + (yourParameters as String), completionHandler: self.resultHandler)
func resultHandler(result : NSDictionary) -> Void {

    printf("result is -->>",result)



solved How to send data to the server(api) using swift