Problem with your current regex wiz r'^[0-9]{8,8}'
minimum and maximum length you want is 8 so you can make it exact 8 like{8}
, no need to have range- Current regex has condition to check beginning of string but you have not defined end of string which can be defined using symbol
which is allowing comma separated numbers so to avoid that you can simply add$
at the end in your current regex liker'^[0-9]{8}$'
and it will fix the issue. However, you can still optimize regex using\d
instead of providing range from[0-9]
as you’re using all the numbers so regex can be further simplified to"^[0-9]{8}$"
, also provided sample code below.
import re
in_str = "48848484"
if re.match(pattern="^\d{8}$", string=in_str): print("number is correct")
else: print("wrong phone number")
solved Python 3 Regex 8 numbers only