All dependent lines must be indented:
def MakeOneFeedScript():
z = 1
CFeedList = [str("null")]*3 #Liste mit Länge der Feeds Erstellen
# Listen Für 1. 2. 3. Post, usw,
IFeedList = [] #Liste für Posttime des 1. posts pro feed
IIFeedList = [] #Liste für Posttime des 2. posts pro feed
IIIFeedList = [] #Liste für Posttime des 3. posts pro feed
IVFeedList = [] #Liste für Posttime des 4. posts pro feed
VFeedList = [] #Liste für Posttime des 5. posts pro feed
VIFeedList = [] #Liste für Posttime des 6. posts pro feed
for i in range(z): #Alle Daten aus Dateien Lesen
s = "/usr/lib/Advanced-Feed/tmp/" + str(i) #
The indentation level is important!
If Speicherort Speichern
is a comment, it must be preceded by a comment character:
# Speicherort Speichern
f = open(s, "rb") #Öffnen
If those are part of the previous code, ….
for i in range(z): #Alle Daten aus Dateien Lesen
s = "/usr/lib/Advanced-Feed/tmp/" + str(i) #
# Speicherort Speichern
f = open(s, "rb") #Öffnen
(presumably do something with "f")
solved Python 3: “Expected an indent Block” in a comment