[Solved] please guide me to split the image

You can use mat2cell to split the image into as many splits as you want:

img = imread('https://i.stack.imgur.com/s4wAt.png');
[h w c] = size(img);
numSplits = 3;  % how many splits you want
sw = floor(w/numSplits);  % width of split 
widths = repmat(sw, 1, numSplits-1);
widths(numSplits) = w - sum(widths);  % last one is bit wider if width does not divide
splits = mat2cell(img, h, widths, c);  % this splits the image

% show the splits
for ii=1:numSplits 

Results with
enter image description here


solved please guide me to split the image