[Solved] Newbie here! How to create a detail page activity for a list view item, without including an action bar in it? Help required

I solved my problem in 3 steps:

  1. For creating detail activity page I used an adapter class to fetch all the data from server

  2. FOr no ActionBar I made a custom action bar, set it to transparent, changed my app theme by calling a Parent theme and then modified for primary, primary Dark and accent colors in theme style. and then set it on top in my activity’s XML layout and called it programmatically using getSupportActionBar() method in OnCreate() of activity

  3. For Image with no action bar, I created a transparent action bar and set the the image and action bar in FrameLayout which put one view on another and set the parent activity of this activity in AndroidManifest file for back button.

solved Newbie here! How to create a detail page activity for a list view item, without including an action bar in it? Help required