[Solved] Need help writing an IF Statement in Exel

The syntax of If Function in Excel is as follows:

=IF(Logic_Test, Value_if_True, Value_if_False)

your logic test: e10="High"
your value if true: 0.337

your value if false is the rest of your expression: if E10=Medium then return 0.086 or if E10=Low then return 0.017. Repeat the process:

logic test: e10="Medium"
value if true: 0.086
value if false… if E10=Low then return 0.017 Let’s assume that Low is the only other option, then we can combine the values:

=IF(e10="High", 0.337, IF(e10="Medium", 0.086, 0.017))

This might be better done with a lookup table (and the hlookup/vlookup functions), but that is more advanced…


solved Need help writing an IF Statement in Exel