[Solved] My first Autohotkey runs too slow [closed]

Nevermind, I completely screwed up and I see now why. Thanks for the help guys….


The whole script is just plain terrible like i said in the original post. As for what is wrong with it, not with the help of anyone here, even though I know there is people out there who have seen it and seen the mistakes and decided to just not help.

The IF statements and Searchimage were set within the wrong { }. As in the whole build of the script made no sense, its a miracle it even worked to begin with.

This is for starters what it should have looked like.

            ImageSearch pointX, pointY, 0, 0, 1920, 1080, *125 C:\Users\ICECOLD\Desktop\new_test\Starport_services.bmp ;Can we see starport services?
                    sleep 150
                    If ErrorLevel = 1 ; If it CAN'T find Starport Services, it will look for Mission Board instead.
                            sleep 150
                            ImageSearch pointX2, pointY2, 0, 0, 1920, 1080, *100 C:\Users\ICECOLD\Desktop\new_test\Mission_Board.bmp  ;Can we see Mission Board?
                            if ErrorLevel = 1 ;If it CAN'T find mission board, it will ask for it.
                                        MsgBox, 48, Something went wrong!, I can't find "Mission Board" or "Starport Services" anywhere.
                                        MsgBox, 4132, Something went wrong!, Do you wish to retry?
                                        IfMsgBox Yes
                                                MsgBox, 4160, Restarting, Click OK and switch back to game with "Starport Services" Open!! `n(YOU GET 15 SECONDS TIME)
                                            sleep 15000
                                            gosub labelstart

                                If ErrorLevel = 0 ;If it finds Mission Board it will navigate to the Mission Board.
                                        Sleep 143
                                        SendEvent s
                                        Sleep 177
                                        SendEvent {Space}
                                        sleep 10000
                                        gosub LabelMissionBoard

                                If ErrorLevel = 0 ;If it finds Starport services it will navigate to the Mission Board.
                                        Sleep 200
                                        SendEvent {space}
                                        sleep 15234
                                        SendEvent s
                                        sleep 134
                                        SendEvent {Space}
                                        sleep 10000
                                    }   gosub LabelMissionBoard

As you can see in the code above as opposed to what the start of the code I posted originally. Which has multiple things happening at the same time, so instead of stopping after having found a image it just kept on going regardless, it did NOT however press the buttons only count the ‘sleep’ for whatever reason it did that, I have no f&^*( clue, because I’m basically a beginner at this point. A salty one nonetheless. So there’s your darn answer, now excuse me while I never come back here again.


solved My first Autohotkey runs too slow [closed]