[Solved] Match strings starts and end with particular character in a String using PHP? [closed]

I see 3 ways (I’m not sure about which one has the best perfs, but I will bet on the last procedural way):

  1. Using the json_decode function, you will get an array from your string and then just iterate over it to get your data
  2. Using regexp, see an example here with pattern /subdomain:(.*?),.*?comment:(.*?),/
  3. Using a procedural function, like :

    $subdomains = [];
    $comments = [];
    $subdomainLen = strlen('subdomain:');
    $commentLen = strlen('comment:');
    $str="{item_type:a,custom_domain:"google.com",subdomain:analytics,duration:324.33, id:2892928, comment:goahead,domain_verified:yes}, {item_type:b,custom_domain:"yahoo.com",subdomain:news,comment:awesome,domain_verified:no}, {item_type:c,custom_domain:"amazon.com",subdomain:aws,width:221,image_id:3233,height:13, comment:keep it up,domain_verified:no}, {item_type:d,custom_domain:"facebook.com",subdomain:m,slug:sure,domain_verified:yes}";
    // While we found the 'subdomain' pattern
    while(($subdomainPos = strpos($str, 'subdomain')))
        // Removes all char that are behind 'subdomain'
        $str = substr($str, $subdomainPos + $subdomainLen);
        // Retrieves the subdomain str and push to array
        $subdomains[] = substr($str, 0, strpos($str, ','));
        // If pattern 'comment' exists, do the same as before to extract the comment
        if($commentPos = strpos($str, 'comment'))
            $str = substr($str, $commentPos + $commentLen);
            $comments[] = substr($str, 0, strpos($str, ','));

solved Match strings starts and end with particular character in a String using PHP? [closed]