[Solved] Make simple text editor in android With Bold Italic and Underline [closed]

This is not especially easy. I have a work-in-progress component in my CWAC-RichEdit project for this.

In the end, you need to be able to apply CharacterStyle subclasses to the content of the EditText, typically when the user highlights some text. This involves getting the Spannable out of the EditText via getText(), getting selection information from the EditText, then applying the span. However:

  • You have to take into account both adding and removing styles

  • Some styles, like bullets or line alignment, are not strictly applied to the highlighted text, but rather to the line containing the highlighted text

  • You need to have some UI to help with this (e.g., additional options in the action mode that pops up when the user highlights text)

I hope (:: crosses fingers ::) to be able to pick up work on my RichEditText again this fall to push its development along further.


solved Make simple text editor in android With Bold Italic and Underline [closed]