[Solved] Make a countdown without freezing application on Android? [closed]

From what I can get from your question, you are most likely having trouble because you are doing some sort of count-down in the main (UI) Thread. This will definitely cause the app to freeze for the duration of the timer. Simply use a timer, and do something like this:

//global variables
private int currTime = 10;
private TextView myTimer;//need to initialize this in your layout using findViewById, or programmatically

final Timer t = new Timer();
currTime = 10;
t.scheduleAtFixedRate(new TimerTask() {
    public void run() {
        runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {//You need this, or a Handler to ensure the UI is changed on the correct thread.
            myTimer.setText(currTime);//myTimer is a global reference to your TextView.
            if (currTime == 0)
}, 10000);//note that this is the duration in milliseconds (1/1000 of a second) - so 10000 for 10 seconds.

solved Make a countdown without freezing application on Android? [closed]