[Solved] Json string conversion to json object

You are trying to decode an array, either specify the specific item within the array, or make it a string.

For instance:

$unBillableArr="{"id":"123", "to":"+923412268656", "MsgReceivedFrom":"03349433314", "message":"Qwertyy", "recdate":"2017-11-20 19:01:49"}";

$json = json_decode($unBillableArr, true);

// Or

$unBillableArr = ['{"id":"123", "to":"+923412268656", "MsgReceivedFrom":"03349433314", "message":"Qwertyy", "recdate":"2017-11-20 19:01:49"}'];

$json = json_decode($unBillableArr[0], true);

However, given the string you are receiving does not contain valid JSON and you are unable to control what you receive, I have prepared the following that will replace the single quotes in your JSON, and decode each item into an array:

$unBillableArr = ["{'id' : '123','to' : '+923412268656','MsgReceivedFrom' : '03349433314', 'message':'Qwertyy ', 'recdate':'2017-11-20 19:01:49'}"];

// Loop through each JSON string
$jsonObjects = []; // Change this name...
foreach ($unBillableArr as $jsonString) {
    $jsonObjects[] = json_decode(str_replace("'", '"', $jsonString), true);

print_r($jsonObjects); // Proof it works

Please bear in mind that I would consider this to be a dirty fix. To fix this properly, you should go back to the source and ensure that the JSON they are returning to you is valid.


solved Json string conversion to json object