[Solved] Javascript split function to split into array at new line or white space [closed]

To split on any whitespace (including newlines), you’d use /\s/ with split:

var theArray = theString.split(/\s+/);

\s means “spaces” (e.g., whitespace — including newlines), and + means “one or more“.

To trim whitespace from the beginning and end of the string first, on any modern browser you can use String#trim:

var theArray = theString.trim().split(/\s+/);

If you have to support older browsers, you can use replace:

var theArray = theString.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '').split(/\s+/);

That regex used with replace can use a bit of explanation: http://regex101.com/r/sS0zV3/1

  • ^\s+ means “any whitespace at the beginning of the string
  • | means “or” (as in , “this or that”) (it’s called an “alternation”)
  • \s+$ means “any whitepsace at the end of the string

Then we replace all occurrences (g) with '' (a blank string).


solved Javascript split function to split into array at new line or white space [closed]