Try this corrected and verified JavaScript Code –
var rock = rock;
var paper= paper;
var snip = snip;
var playerOneName= prompt("what is your name");
playerOne = choice();
var playerTwoName = prompt("what is your name");
alert('Player 1 Chose - '+ playerOne + 'Player 2 Chose - '+playerTwo);
function choice(pick){
return(prompt("rock paper or snip")); //return the prompt value
if(playerOne === 'rock' && playerTwo === 'snip'){
alert(playerOneName + ' ' + 'Wins');
}else if(playerOne === 'paper' && playerTwo === 'rock'){
alert(playerOneName + ' ' + 'Wins');
}else if(playerOne === 'snip' && playerTwo === 'paper'){
alert(playerOneName + ' ' + 'Wins');
}else if(playerTwo === 'rock' && playerOne === 'snip'){
alert(playerTwoName + ' ' + 'Wins');
}else if(playerTwo === 'paper' && playerOne === 'rock'){
alert(playerTwoName + ' ' + 'Wins');
}else if(playerTwo === 'snip' && playerOne === 'paper'){
alert(playerTwoName + ' ' + 'Wins');
}else if(playerOne === playerTwo){
alert('its a tie try again');
Corrections –
- Return value in
function. Prompt has the return value which is to be received and returned in the function. - Alert and check the values for debugging purpose. Always try this to know whats happening inside the code.
solved Javascript rock paper scissors project