[Solved] javascript get nested array elements

Json comes from J ava S cript O bject N otation. It’s a javascript-compatible format, so you can loop through it, and access it as you need. In other words, you do can get array[0][1][1].

If what you’re asking for is how can you receive a JSON in a string and convert it to an “usable” JavaScript variable, you can do that this way:

var json_string = "[[['whatever','and'],['more','whatever']]]"
var parsed_json = JSON.parse (json_string)
console.log (parsed_json[0][0])

Or, if you use old browsers (IE7 and so), you can use JQuery and its elder-safe function parseJSON:

var json_string = "[[['whatever','and'],['more','whatever']]]"
var parsed_json = $.parseJSON (json_string)
console.log (parsed_json[0][0])


solved javascript get nested array elements