[Solved] is this possible to make mobile app that run on web? and can be installed on mobile too? [closed]

Yes, this is possible. There are a few tools for that. A good option is to go with Phonegap. If you already know how to build an HTML5 web app, you can use Phonegap or the Phonegap Build service to turn it into a mobile app.

Also, Intel has a tool called XDK that allows you to build mobile-ready apps using a visual layout manager and HTML5 technology. XDK lets you move your project over to a variety of mobile devices.

Both of these technologies will port over to both Android and iOS. Be warned, though, if you have no experience developing mobile or web apps, there’s a bit of a learning curve.

I recommend getting started with a good tutorial on HTML5 development (Head First HTML/CSS, Head First Javascript Programming, Head First jQuery are good books for beginners).

Bootstrap is a great system for creating a web page that works well in both mobile and PC formats.

Here are links to Intel’s and PhoneGap’s tools:

Intel XDK


Best of luck!


solved is this possible to make mobile app that run on web? and can be installed on mobile too? [closed]