[Solved] Is it possible to name a variable using a method in c#?

What you will need to use to do this is the System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject class.

using System;
using System.Dynamic;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class Program
    public static void Main()
        var args = "--Bar --Foo MyStuff".Split();
        var parsedArgs = ParseArgs(args);
        Console.WriteLine(parsedArgs.Foo); //Writes "MyStuff"
        Console.WriteLine(parsedArgs.Bar); //Writes true;
        Console.WriteLine(parsedArgs.NotDefined); //Throws run time exception.

    public static dynamic ParseArgs(string[] args)
        IDictionary<string,object> result = new ExpandoObject();
        //Very basic implementation
        for(int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
                if(i+1 < args.Length && !args[i+1].StartsWith("--"))
                    result.Add(args[i].Substring(2), args[i+1]);
                    result.Add(args[i].Substring(2), true);
        return result;

Run Example

Also here is a tutorial on dynamic objects, it is about making .net work with python code which you may find interesting.


solved Is it possible to name a variable using a method in c#?